Thursday, 2 May 2013

Tea for five?

I'm currently still making for the Contemporary Craft Festival. I need more storage for all my pieces, and I've finally completed my tea set! :)

The images I have are not the best quality but the pieces are not yet fired, so I will hopefully be buying a fade backboard soon to take more professional images.

Here is my studio at the moment in all of it's glory. Bit messy, but productive:

I have started adding a firing to each piece by marking my signature underneath, I wasn't sure to start with whether it was worth it, cost wise for the pieces, but I felt as if it was an important part of my pieces looking more professional. 

Here are some of the current tea sets, only half fired, but you get the idea. I think after my pieces all being finished they will work well as a whole, but they will also compliment my other pieces from my degree show. So, hopefully I will be able to present the pieces together. I have been thinking about the design of my stall, but I have yet to finalize and measure these ideas. Here's a half finished tea set for you to cast your eyes on. :)