Monday 28 November 2011

Summer experience and starting a new project / Profiad yr Haf a dechrau prosiect newydd

Rwyf newydd ddechrau fy nhrydedd flwyddyn ac yn nerfus iawn, ond yn barod am sialens a blwyddyn anodd iawn! Rwyf fi wedi bod yn brysur iawn dros yr Haf, nid yn unig yn gweithio adref ond rwyf wedi bod yn helpu â'r Wyl Serameg yn Aberystwyth am wythnos. Roedd yr wythnos yn brofiad gwych i wneud ffrindiau newydd, ond hefyd i weld yn union sut mae artistiaid Serameg yn dangos eu gwaith a'u sgiliau. Roedd nifer o ddarlithoedd gwahanol gan gynnwys darlith anhygoel gan Emma Rogers yn dangos ei gwaith â anifeiliaid a'r ffigwr dynol. Fe gefais i gyfle i werthu fy nghwpan yn y sêl cwpanau a helpu ar y dderbynfa. 

I have just started my third year and am very nervous, but ready for a new challenge and a very difficult year! I have been very busy over the summer, not only working home but I've also been helping with the International Ceramic Festival at Aberystwyth for a week. It was a brilliant experience and I have made a lot of friends, but also it was interesting to see exactly how different ceramicists and potters present their work and skills. There were many different lectures including some amazing lectures by Emma Rogers presenting her work with animals and the human figure. I got the chance to sell my work in the cup sale which was great, I was mainly helping at reception but also answering any queries by the artists. 

Mateusz Grobelny from Poland. 

Rwyf hefyd wedi bod yn gweithio yn MOMA Cymru ym Machynlleth dros yr Haf, yn goruchwylio'r oriel dros amser Gwyl Machynlleth. Fe ddaeth Wedi 7 i ffilmio ar gyfer ei rhaglen teledu, a fe wnes i gyfweliad ar gyfer MOMA am yr Wyl Gerddoriaeth yno. Roedd hynny yn brofiad a hanner! Roedd hi'n ddiddorol iawn gweithio yn yr oriel, i weld yr ochr hynny o'r byd celf. 

I have also been working at MOMA Wales in Machynlleth over the summer, supervising the gallery over the Machynlleth Festival week. A television crew also came to record for Wedi 7, and I was interviewed. That was an experience in itself! It was very interesting working at the gallery, and to see that side of the art world. 

Rwyf wedi dechrau fy mhrosiect newydd ar gyfer y drydedd blwyddyn gan gario ymlaen â'r thema o Gymreictod a fy etifeddiaeth. Mae'n thema sy'n bwysig i mi, ac rwyf wedi dechrau edrych ar sut mae amser yn newid teuluoedd a bywydau yn enwedig trwy'r cof. Mae nifer o luniau i'w gael i'w bryny yn farchnad Machynlleth ble does neb yn gwybod pwy ydy'r pobl yma. Allen nhw fod yn perthyn i fi, neu i unrhyw un sy'n edrych arnynt. Rwyn meddwl ehangu y syniad yma ar gyfer gweddill fy mhrosiect. 

I have started my new project for my third year which carries on with my last year theme of my Welsh heritage. This theme is very important to me, and I've started looking at how time in particular can change families and lives through the loss of memory. It's possible to buy old portraits in Machynlleth market, of people that no one has claimed as their own families. Who are these people? They could be related to me, only i don't know that they are. I find this interesting and would like to expand this idea for the rest of my project. 

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