Thursday 1 March 2012

Development towards the Degree Show / Datblygu tuag at y Sioe Radd

I haven't wrote for a while, but have been very busy with work in the kiln and an assessment period. In the last two weeks before my penultimate assessment my work changed rapidly. To think that the natural development between my final pieces and my new designs have come so quickly, I feel excited to research and experiment with this new technique of working and feel that it truly is the way forward for my degree show, and the body of work for the near future.

Dydw i heb ysgrifennu ers dipyn, ond dwi wedi bod yn brysur iawn hefo gwaith yn yr odin ac asesiad yn coleg. Yn y ddwy wythnos cyn yr asesiad olaf fe newidiodd fy ngwaith yn fawr. I feddwl bod y datblygiad naturiol wedi digwydd mor gyflym, rwy'n cyffroi i archwilio ac arbrofi â'r techneg newydd yma o weithio ac yn teimlo fel ei fod yn ffordd dda ymlaen i mi ar gyfer fy sioe radd, a fy ngwaith yn y dyfodol agos. 

After creating the shape in plaster, which was my last post, experimenting with fragmenting the form was an interesting way to perceive the work. In the way that I’ve simplified the jug to this minimal stage, then re-built the additional abstracted form by cutting and joining.

    Ar ôl creu'r siap mewn plaster, dyna'r tro dwethaf i mi ysgrifennu, roedd arbrofi â tynnu'r gwaith yn ddarnau yn ffordd diddorol i weld y gwaith. Gan newid y gwaith i fod y siap mwyaf syml y gallyth o fod, yna ail-adeiladu'r gwaith gan dorri a newid siapiau. 

I was interested in creating a space that would flow and merge from my 3D pieces to my 2D drawings and sketches as I find them essential in creating my final designs. Being inspired by the Constructivist movement of the Russian Soviets, in particular Popova I felt that the linear qualities would suggest this influence on my work. 

Mae gen i ddiddordeb mewn creu gofod ble fydd fy ngwaith yn medru llifo ac uno o'r gwaith 3D i'r darluniau 2D gan fy mod yn credu eu bod yn hanfodol i greu fy nyluniadau terfynol. 

Working with inlay helped me gain a skill but also gave me the idea to include my  post-modernist  sketches that I'd started to develop at the same time. The contrast between both modes of linear qualities, one purely gestural and one purely geometric worked well against each other. 

Gan ddefnyddio 'inlay', fe wnaeth hyn fy helpu i elwa sgiliau ond hefyd fe roth yr 'inlay' y syniad i mi ddefnyddio fy narluniau post-modernaidd yr oeddwn i wedi dechrau datblygu ar yr un pryd. Mae'r cyferbyniad rhwng y ddau wahanol nodwedd llinol, un yn unol ystumol a'r llall yn geometrig wedi gweithio'n dda gyda'i gilydd. 

Working with acetate helped me decide whether decals of my own drawings would contrast the form in the appropriate way. I found that I was attracted to the idea of the decals running off the form, although this would be very difficult to do as they would burn off in the kiln.     

Roedd gweithio â acetate wedi fy alluogi i i benderfynnu os oedd decals o fy narluniau fy hun yn cyferbynnu ar siap yn y ffordd gywir. Fe sylweddolais fy mod wedi fy nenu at y syniad o'r decals yn rhedeg oddi ar y gwaith, ond bydd hyn yn anodd iawn i greu, gan fod unrhyw ddarn o decal ddim ar y gwaith yn llosgi ffwrdd yn yr odin.
My final piece for the assessment 
Fy narn gorffenedig ar gyfer yr asesiad

·       And the pieces not only work as one piece separately, I had placed the jugs specifically so that they would join to work as a three to create another fragmented jug in a series. This to me suggests a clever, well-thought-out design.

   Ac mae'r darnau nid yn unig yn gweithio fel darnau ar wahan, fe wnes i osod y decals fel ei bod yn ffitio mewn grwp o dri i greu jwg arall o fewn y gwaith. Mae hyn, i mi, yn awgrymu dyluniad  sydd wedi ei hystyried yn ofalus. 


  I have been developing this idea that a handle would be included to the design of the jug, but from a very different style. This would join the drawing on the surface with the handle, and the handle to the form. I have not yet expanded this idea fully, and hope to do so for the next part of this body of work.
Rydw i wedi bod yn datblygu'r syniad o roi handlen ar y siap geometrig, ond o steil gwbwl wahanol. Bydde gwneud hyn yn ymuno'r arwyneb i'r handlen, a'r handlen i'r ffurf. Dydw i heb gwbwl ymchwilio i mewn i'r syniad eto, ac yn gobeithio gwneud hynny ar gyfer y rhan nesaf o waith. 

Sooooo... the final idea and the present designs...
Fellyyy...y syniad terfynol a'r dyluniau presenol....

      I have also been developing a new way of working that literally deconstructs to recreate my own forms. By collecting old jugs from Charity Shops, smashing them up and reconstructing them to a new interpretation of a jug form. Here I have only taken images of the jugs and made a form on the computer. Buuuut....

Rydw i hefyd wedi bod yn datblygu ffordd o weithio sydd yn llythrennol ddad-adeiladu i ailgreu fy ffurfiau fy hun. Gan gasglu hen jwgiau o siopiau elusen, malu nhw a'i ailgreu i greu fy nehongliad fy hun o siap jwg. Uchod rwyf wedi tynnu lluniau ac yna ei ail osod i greu'r ffurfiau. Ond....

  Here I have started introducing this new idea into my work. I can see the pieces cast in plaster then pure white earthenware slip, with a lustred addition, either to the handle, to the spout edge, or to the decal design of my previous images that I would also like to include in the work. It would be my own personal body of work that is influenced by my many sources, but primarily is from my own research, experimentation and evaluation of a jug form. I think that these three aspects would be successful in fulfilling my original brief and would really push the boundaries of deconstruct to recreate. We'll see how everything goes, but I'm very excited to create the final pieces for the degree show, and can't wait to get my work out there! 

Fama rwyf wedi dechrau cyflwyno'r syniad i mewn i'r gwaith. Rwy'n medru gweld y darnau wedi ei castio o blaster ac yna o slip mewn slip clai gwyn, â darn llewyrch, naill ai i'r handlen, i pig y jwg neu i'r dyluniadau decal. Mi fydd y gwaith yn bersonol i mi, sydd wedi cael ei ddylanwadu gan nifer o ffynonellau gwahanol, ond yn bennaf o fy ymchwil, arfrofi a gwerthusiad o ffurf y jwg. Rwy'n credu bod fy mriff cychwynnol wedi ei gyflanwni wrth wneud y gwaith yma ac mi fydd y gwaith yn gwthio'r syniad o ddadelfennu i ailgreu. Gewn ni weld sut eith popeth, ond rwy'n cyffroi i greu'r darnau gorffenedig i'r Sioe Radd, a methu aros i gael fy ngwaith allan y gyhoeddus!    


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